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1) The basic function of a transformer is to change
a)     the level of the voltage
b)    the power level
c)     the power factor
d)    the frequency

 2) In an ordinary transformer which of the following does not change
a)     Voltage
b)    Current
c)     Frequency
d)    All of the above

3) The efficiency of the power transformer is
a)      50%
b)    60%
c)     80%
d)     95%

4)  In a transformer electrical power is transferred from primary to secondary
a)     Through air
b)    By magnetic flux
c)     Through insulation medium
d)    None of these

5) The two windings of transformers are
a)     Conductively linked
b)    Inductively linked
c)     Not linked at all
d)    Electrically linked
      ANS: B

6) Transformer action requires a
a)      constant magnetic flux                            
b)     increasing magnetic flux
c)      alternating magnetic fluxd
d)     alternating electric flux

7) The flux created by the current flowing through the primary winding induces emf in
a)      primary winding only                   
b)     secondary winding only
c)      transformer core only                   
d)    both primary and secondary windings

8) The primary and secondary windings of a power transformer always have
a)      a common magnetic circuit                     
b)     separate magnetic circuit
c)      wire of same size                                    
d)     same number of turns

9) The iron core in a transformer provides a _______ path to a main flux
a)      low reluctance                               
b)     high reluctance
c)      low resistance                               
d)    high conductivity

10) If rated dc voltage applied instead of ac to the primary of a transformer
a)     secondary of transformer will burn
b)    primary transformer will burn
c)      secondary voltage will be excessively high
d)     there will be no secondary voltage

11) A transformer transforms
a)      voltage                                                     b) current                                
  c) voltage and current                                    d) frequency

12) For an ideal transformer the window should have
a)     maximum resistance on primary side and least resistance on secondary side
b)    least resistance on primary side and maximum resistance on secondary             side
c)     equal resistance on primary and secondary sides
d)    no ohmic resistance on either side

13) The core flux in transformer depends mainly on
a)      supply voltage
b)     supply voltage and frequency
c)      supply voltage frequency and local
d)     supply voltage and load but independent of frequency

14) when voltage is transformed from primary to secondary then it          is__________
a) multiplied by k2                                              b) multiplied by k
c) divided by k2                                                   d) divided by k
  ANS:   B

15) The applied voltage of a certain transformer is increased by 75% while the frequency of the applied voltage is reduced by 25%. The maximum core flux density will
a)     increase by seven times                                      b)  increase by three times
  c)   reduce to one quarter                               d)  remain the same

16) The low voltage winding of a 400/230 V single phase 50 HZ transformer is to be connected to a 25 HZ supply. In order to keep the magnetization current at the same level in both the cases the voltage at 25 Hz should be
a)      230 V                                    b)   460 V  
c)   115 V                                    d)   65 V

17) A 50 Hz transformer having equal hysteresis and eddy current losses at rated excitation is operated at 45 Hz at 90% of its rated voltage. Compared to rated operating point, the core losses under this condition.
a) reduced by 10%                                         b) reduced by 19%
c) reduced by 14.5%                                     d) remain unchanged

18) A 1-ph transformer when supplied from 220 V, 50 Hz has eddy current loss of 50 W. If the transformer is connected to a voltage of 330 V, 50 Hz, the eddy current loss will be
a)     168.75 W
b)     112.5 W  
c)      75 W       
d)     50 W

19) 1 kVA, 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase transformer has an eddy current loss of 30 watts. The eddy current loss when the transformer is excited by a dc source of same voltage will be
       a) 30 watts           b) more than 30 w         c) less than 30 w  d) zero watt
      ANS: D

20) At 50 Hz operation, a single phase transformer has hysteresis loss of 200 W and eddy current loss of 100 W. Its core loss at 60 Hz operation will be
       a) 432 W    
       b) 408 W    
       c) 384 W     
       d) 360 W
      ANS: C

21) On no-load phasor diagram of transformer, the core loss component of the current remains in phase with
     a) no-load current          b) primary supply voltage
     c) core flux                     d) primary induced voltage
     ANS: B

22)   In a transformer core, 3rd and 5th harmonic components of fluxes are     respectively 10% and 4% of the fundamental flux. The 3rd and 5th harmonic induced emfs in the winding, in terms of the fundamental induced emfs  are respectively
     a) 30%, 20%        b) 10%, 12%        c) 50%, 20%         d) 50%, 12%
    ANS: A

23) In a transformer, the exciting current will be in phase quadrature with the impressed voltage provided
     a) only the leakage impedance drop is ignored
     b) only the core loss is ignored
     c) both the leakage impedance drop and the core loss are ignored
     d) only the no-load copper loss is ignored
     ANS: C

24) The power factor of a power transformer on no load will be about
     a) unity       b) 0.75                  c) 0.5          d) 0.35

    ANS: D

25) The power factor of a transformer on no load is poor due to
       a) magnetizing reactance of the transformer
       b) open-circuited secondary
       c) low primary winding resistance
       d) low no-load current
      ANS: A

26) Primary winding of a transformer comprises of two identical windings in parallel.          If one winding is removed, magnetizing current will be
       a) halved     b) the same c) doubled   d) increased four times
      ANS: C

27) The core flux of a practical transformer with a resistance load
      a) is strictly constant with load changes
      b) increases linearly with load
      c) increases as the square root of the load
      d) decreases with increase of load
      ANS: A

28) The inductive reactance of a transformer depends on
       a) electromotive force                        b) magnetomotive force
       c) magnetic flux                       d) leakage flux
       ANS: D

29) The flux in transformer core
      a) increases with load                                           b) decreases with load
      c) remains constant irrespective of load               d) none of the above
      ANS: C
30) The mutual flux in a loaded transformer can be varied by varying
      a) primary current                   b) load impedance
      c) secondary current                d) reluctance of the magnetic path
      ANS: D

31) The primary ampere-turns are counter balanced by
      a) secondary ampere-turns                b) primary flux
     c) increase in mutual flux                  d) increase in secondary current
     ANS: A

32) In a transformer_________ decreases with the increase in leakage flux
     a) primary induced emf           b) secondary induced emf
     c) secondary terminal voltage           d) none of the above
     ANS: C

33) power transformed from primary to secondary depends upon
     a) number of primary turns
     b) number of secondary turns
     c) current transformation ratio
     d) magnetic coupling b/w primary and secondary winding
    ANS: D

34) A transformer is supplying pure resistive load. The power factor on primary side will be
    a) about 0.95(lead)                            b) about 0.95(lag)
    c) zero                                               d) unity
   ANS: B
35) The phasor diagram of a transformer on load can be drawn only if we know
   a) equivalent circuit parameters of the transformer
   b) load current
   c) load p.f.
   d) all of the above
   ANS: D
36) When a transformer is operating on no-load, the primary applied voltage is approximately balanced by
   a) primary induced emf                     b) secondary induced emf
   c) terminal voltage across the secondary              d) voltage drop across the resistance        and reactance
   ANS: A
37) In the transformer circuit mode, the core loss is represented as a
      a) series resistance                            b) series inductance
      c) shunt resistance                             d) shunt inductance
     ANS: C
38) Full load voltage regulation of a power transformer is zero when power factor of the load is near
     a) unity and leading                          b) zero and leading
     c) zero and lagging                            d) unity and lagging
    ANS: A
39) In a transformer zero voltage regulation at full load is
    a) not possible
    b) possible at leading power factor load
    c) possible at lagging power factor load
    d) possible at unity power factor load
    ANS: B
40) Positive voltage regulation is an indication of ____ load
    a) inductive                                                 b) capacitive
    c) either inductive or capacitive                  d) pure resistive
   ANS: C
41) A 4kva, 400/200 V 1-ph transformer has resistance of 0.02 pi and reactance of 0.06 pu. Its actual resistance and reactance referred to hv side, are, respectively
a) 0.2 ohm and 0.6 ohm
b) 0.8  ohm and 2.4 ohm 
c) 0.08 ohm and 0.24 ohm
d) 2 ohm and 6 ohm
42) If the percentage resistance of a power transformer for secondary side is 2.5 percent and turn ratio is 1:10, the percentage secondary resistance referred to primary will be
a) 25
b) 2.5
c) 0.25
d) 0.025
43) 10 KVA , 400V/200V single phase transformer with a resistance of 3 % and reactance of 6% is supplying a current of 50A to resistive load.the voltage across the load is
a)     194 V
b)    196 V
c)     198 V
d)    390 V
44) In a power transformer iron losses remain practically constant from no load to full load this is because
a)     Core flux remains constant
b)    Leakage flux remains contant
c)     Both a and b
d)    Neither a nor b
45)  In a power transformer if in place of sinusoidal wave a peaked wave voltage is fed to primary
a)     copper losses will be less
b)    noise level will be reduced
c)     iron losses will be more
d)    iron losses will be less
46) On which of the following factors does hysteresis loss depend
a)     flux density
b)    frequency
c)     thickness of laminations
d)    time
     select the correct answer using the code given below
a)     2 and 3
b)    1 and 2
c)     1 and 4
d)    3 and 4
47) The full load copper loss and iron loss of a transformer are 6400 W and     5000 W respectively. The copper loss and iron loss at half load will be,       respectively
a)     3200 W and 2500 W
b)    1600 W and  5000W
c)     1600 W and 1250 W
d)    None of these
48) The main purpose of performing open circuit on a transformer is to measure its
a)     Copper losses
b)    Iron losses
c)     Total losses
d)    Insulation resistance
49) Power transformer are designed to have maximum efficiency around -------- full load
a)     Nearly
b)    70%
c)     50%
d)    25%
50) The transformer efficiency will be maximum at a power factor of
a)      0.8 lead
b)    Unity
c)     0.8 lag
d)    0.5 lag or lead
51) What is load at which maximum efficiency occurs in case of a 100 KVA     transformer with iron loss of 1 KW and full load copper loss of 2 KW ?
a)     100 KVA
b)    70.7 KVA
c)     50 KVA
d)    25 KVA
52) A Two KVA transformer has iron loss of 150 W full load copper loss of 250 W  the maximum efficiency of transformer would occur when the total loss is
a)     500 W
b)    300 W
c)     200 W
d)    100 W
53) The size of transformer core depends upon
a)      Frequency
b)    Permissible flux density in core material
c)     Area of the core
d)    Both a and b
54) The permissible flux density in cold rolled grain oriented steel is about
a)     1.8 T
b)    2.5 T
c)     3.5 T
d)    4.5 T
55) Transformer oil must be free from
a)     Moisture
b)    Sledges
c)     Gases
d)    Sulphur

56)  A 10 KVA 400V/200V single phase transformer with 10% impedance draws a steady short circuit line current of
a)     50 A
b)    150 A
c)     250 A
d)    350 A
57) The efficiency of two identical transformers under load conditions can be determined by
a)     Back-to-back test
b)    Short circuit test
c)     Open circuit test
d)    Any of the above
58) Transformer will operate at maximum efficiency when
a)     Hysteresis = eddy current loss
b)    Eddy current loss = copper loss
c)     Copper loss = iron loss
d)    Hysteresis loss= copper loss
59) Which part of transformer is subjected to maximum heating?
a)     Frame
b)    Core
c)     Winding
d)    Oil
60) zero sequence current flows from a line into a transformer bank if the windings    are
a)     Grounded star/delta
b)    Delta/star
c)     Star/grounded star
d)    Delta/delta
61) magnetizing current in transformer rich in harmonics
a)     3rd harmonic
b)    5th harmonic
c)     6th harmonic
d)    4th harmonic
62) Transformer fed from a fundamental frequency voltage source, the source of        harmonic is the
a)     Overload
b)    Poor insulation
c)     Iron loss
d)    Saturation of core
63) The outer cage of a double squirrel rotor consists of
a)     Manganese brass
b)    Red copper
c)     Bronze
d)    Steel
64) In the equivalent ckt of a double-cage induction motor, the two rotor cages can     be considered
a)     To be parallel
b)    To br in series-parallel
c)     To be in series
d)    To be in parallel with stator
65) The purpose of the starter is to
a)     Limit the starting current
b)    Limit the speed
c)     Protect against over voltage
d)    Produce back emf
66) For a starting a 3-ph induction motor is about ____ of its full-load rated current
a)     Half
b)    Twice
c)     5 to 7 times
d)    15 to 20 times
67) Synchronous speed of an induction motor can be increased by
a)     Reducing mechanical friction
b)    Increasing supply voltage
c)     Increasing number of poles
d)    Increasing supply frequency
68) while operating on variable frequency supplies, the ac motor requires variable voltage as well in order to
a)     Protect the insulation
b)    Avoid the effect of saturation
c)     Improve the capabilities of the inverter
d)    Protect the thyristor from dv/dt
69) In rotor resistance control of induction motor, the hardness of speed torque characteristics
a)     Increases
b)    Decreases
c)     Remain same

70) During plugging of an induction motor
a)     Phase sequence is reversed
b)    A dc source is connected to stator
c)     One phase is open-circuited
d)    Power is fed back to mains
71) The method that gives continuous speed control of a slip-ring induction motor is
a)     Rotor resistance control
b)    Secondary foreign voltage control
c)     Concatenation or cascade operation
d)    Line voltage control
72) In case of voltage injection method of speed control, the injected emf should be of
a)     Supply frequency (f)
b)    Slip frequency(sf)
c)     (1-s)f
d)    (2-s)f
73) Induction generators deliver power at
a)     Leading power factor only
b)    Lagging power factor only
c)     Leading as well as lagging power factor
d)    Unity power factor only
74) The primary winding of a Schrage motor is located
a)     In stator
b)    In lower part of the rotor
c)     In upper part of rotor
d)    Partly in stator and partly in rotor
75) linear induction motor is used in
a)     Traction
b)    Magnetic attraction
c)     Mechanical workshops
d)    Textile mills
76) In a split phase motor the ratio of number of turns on auxiliary winding to that    on main winding is
a)     Unity
b)    Less than one
c)     More than one
d)    Two
77)  why is a centrifugal switch  used in a 1-ph induction motor
a)     To protect the motor from overloading
b)    To improve the starting performance of the motor
c)     To cut off the starting winding at an appropriate instant
d)    To cut in the capacitor during running conditions
78) The torque speed characteristics of two phase induction motor is largely     affected by
a)     Voltage
b)    Speed
c)     x/r ratio
d)    supply frequency
79) The capacitor in a capacitor-start induction run ac motor is connected in series     with
a)     starting winding
b)    running winding
c)     squirrel cage winding
d)    compensating winding
80) In a shaded pole motor, shading coils are using to
a)     reduce winding losses
b)    reduce friction losses
c)     produce rotating magnetic field
d)    protect against sparking


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